How to perform under pressure!

Presenting in front of top management can be challenging. In our Under Pressure training, you will learn how to convince management and alphas and perform well under pressure.

Alphas are impatient


Presenting to top management is difficult because alphas are impatient and want to maintain control. Alphas don’t want to feel like passengers.

As a presenter, you sense this impatience. You feel the pressure. You try to present as quickly as possible and cover as much ground as you can to deliver key messages before being interrupted.

Example: Alpha as a passenger

"As you can see here, we currently have a 7% revenue decline. In detail, it looks as follows:
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3"

Alpha feels like a passenger, interrupts, and takes control:

"Thank you, we understand.
Please move on to the next topic!"


"As you can see here, we currently have a 7% revenue decline. In detail, it looks as follows:
Detail 1
Detail 2
Would you like to see further details?"

Give Alphas what they want

In the second example, you show alphas: You are in charge, not me. I have prepared everything, but I won’t overwhelm you with details. I’ll give you exactly what you need.

Of course, you wouldn’t ask this kind of check-in question for important details – but not all details are critical!

This means for you:

Dealing with alphas follows a unique set of rules. Once you master them, you’ll not only secure what you need for your project but also earn the respect of your top management and position yourself for higher responsibilities.

We will show you in Under Pressure how to achieve this successfully.

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