Credits & Terms and conditions

HPS Hierhold Presentation Services GmbH
Mariahilfer Straße 1b
A-1060 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 522 40 50-0

Company number: 128272k
UID No.: ATU 37002603
HG Vienna

Responsible for content:
HPS Austria
Dr. Schien Ninan

All texts, data and images. All rights reserved.
All information is without guarantee.

Technical implementation
Wiesmüller & Gschwantner OG

Concept and design
screenagers GmbH

Mag. Peter Hinterhölzl, Yvonne Fetz
Adobe Stock, Unsplash



General terms and conditions

For open face-to-face training courses

Updated March 2022

1. Registration and Fee
Your registration becomes binding for both parties with our registration confirmation. Our program prices are exclusive of taxes, room and board. Approximately 4 weeks prior to the program start you will receive information about the training location, pre-training preparation, as well as the invoice for payment due prior to the program start. In the event of an absence, the fee paid is non-refundable.  Please ensure that you check the time and date of your training program stated in the confirmation letter.

2. Changes
The planning of our training courses takes place well in advance, so there is a chance that there may be a change in the date, location, trainer, or duration of the training (depending on the number of participants). We will inform you about possible changes as soon as possible.

3. Cancellation conditions
If you would like to cancel your registration more than 4 weeks prior to the program start then there is no cancellation fee. Thereafter the fee is 50% of the program cost, and less than 10 workdays before the program start the full fee is applicable. Please note: any kind of withdrawal, including illness and postponement, is considered as a cancellation. Naturally, if you are able to find a replacement who can take your place, all cancellation fees will be waived. Please make sure to inform us of cancellations only in written form.

4. Copyright – you are free to make copies of everything, but …
... only for your personal use as a presenter. The content and materials (e.g. techniques, tools, tips) provided by HPS in the course of a training program are and remain the intellectual property of HPS, are protected by copyright and are only available for personal use to those persons who have taken part in the relevant training program. Passing them on to third parties, as well as any form of commercial use (for example, as a trainer) are prohibited. Any kind of illegal use, modification, reproduction, distribution, or publication will result in legal proceedings.

Furthermore, all sorts of video and/or audio recordings of HPS programs are prohibited.


For in-house face-to-face training courses

Updated June 2022

1. Price
In addition to the conduct of the training course, our prices also include the fee for the co-trainer (if planned), the special video technology, and extensive participant materials. The price only excludes equipment which is usually available in seminar rooms (pinboards, flip charts, screen, etc.). The price also includes extensive preparation and follow-up work, i.e.

Preparation: Including a briefing by phone with your trainer(s) and us sending you details of preparatory tasks and a questionnaire, approximately three weeks before the training program, to be forwarded to the participants.

Report: After the training course, you will receive a detailed closing report providing you with a summary of the most important aspects of the program from the perspectives of the participants, trainer(s) and institute.

The program price (excl. VAT), in addition to all additional services listed, applies to the maximum number of participants detailed in the offer or the training description. Every additional participant shall lead to a proportional increase in the price, whereby no-shows shall not serve as grounds for any price reduction.

2. Travel and accommodation expenses
The prices quoted do not include the associated travel, accommodation and board costs of the trainers (flights in business class, taxi or kilometer allowance: € 0,55 per km driven, parking charges).

Outside of Vienna, arrival and overnight stay take place the evening before. Travelling time of up to four hours to and from our trainings is included in the price. Additional hours will incur an extra charge of €105.00 per hour.

Flight bookings are made after confirmation has been placed in order to keep the costs as low as possible. Should the training be cancelled or postponed on your part, we will charge the already incurred costs for flights.

Material shipping for your participants: The costs for the parcel shipment of our training materials are not included in the training fee, we charge these costs additionally.

3. Weekend and public holiday surcharge
Our training courses can also be booked to take place on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, in which cases a fixed surcharge of €700.00 per day shall apply.

4. Training facilities
An appropriate environment for the participants is also a key success factor for trainings. You are free to book the hotel or institute of your choice. You will receive detailed information from us with regard to what we need in terms of training rooms and equipment. In order to safeguard the high quality of our trainings, our trainers are entitled to cancel training courses on site (full cancellation charges apply) if the seminar rooms or equipment are not suitable. We are more than willing to help with training arrangements: from hotel recommendations to a training room checklist.

5. Changes
The agreed trainer(s) may not be available at short notice (e.g. due to illness). In such cases, we will appoint an alternative HPS trainer upon consultation with you.

6. Copyright – you are free to make copies of everything, but …
... only for your personal use as a presenter. The content and materials (e.g. techniques, tools, tips) provided by HPS in the course of a training program are and remain the intellectual property of HPS, are protected by copyright and are only available for personal use to those persons who have taken part in the relevant training program. Passing them on to third parties, as well as any form of commercial use (for example, as a trainer) are prohibited. Distribution or use, beyond training-relevant purposes, of HPS know-how as well as training content and materials is subject to advance written approval from HPS. Any kind of illegal use, modification, reproduction, distribution, or publication will result in legal proceedings.

Furthermore, all sorts of video and/or audio recordings of HPS programs are prohibited.

7. Confidentiality
We work for different, sometimes competing companies. Our trainer team is bound to absolute confidentiality regarding any information (professional or personal) which is discussed during training programs. We therefore ask for your understanding that we do not provide clients with any information regarding the conduct or progress made by individual participants.

8. Terms of payment: Good personnel want to be paid fast ...
... and that includes our trainer team.  Therefore: Our invoices are payable upon receipt, i.e. within eight days net and in full. In the event of late payment by the client, we reserve the right to levy interest on arrears at a rate of 10% p.a. In such cases, HPS will issue a payment reminder for which an administration charge shall be imposed. Should the payment reminder be ignored, HPS reserves the right to appoint debt collection agencies or lawyers to collect the amounts outstanding. Clients are obliged to cover the costs of the associated legal steps. All prices quoted in our program, on price lists and in offers are subject to the applicable rates of VAT as determined by Austrian law.

9. Cancellations
No one likes to cancel, and this can be just as inconvenient for you as the organizer of a training program as for us. As training courses are generally planned long in advance, it can be extremely difficult for us, in the event of cancellations, to find alternative assignments at very short notice, even for outstanding trainers. We therefore ask you to accept that the cancellation of a training course, once it has been booked, will entail costs in the following cases, regardless of the reason for the cancellation. Please note: any kind of withdrawal, including illness and postponement, is considered as a cancellation.

Cancellation conditions: From eight to four weeks before the beginning of the training program: 20%; four weeks to two weeks: 40 %; two weeks to eight workdays: 60%; thereafter 75% of the program price until one workday before the program, after which the full price will be due.

10. Jurisdiction
Although we are confident that there will be no need to resort to the courts, it is agreed at the time of booking a training course that any and all disputes arising in this context shall be settled before the competent court of law in Vienna.

When placing an order, either orally or in writing, you simultaneously and fully accept these terms and conditions unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. Austrian law applies.


For open web courses
(webinars/web trainings/web lectures

Updated March 2022

1. Registration and Fee
Your registration becomes binding for both parties with our registration confirmation. The invoice, which you will receive together with the registration confirmation, is payable upon receipt. Our program price is exclusive of taxes. Approximately 1 week prior to the program start you will receive information about the pre-training preparation. In the event of an absence, the fee paid is non-refundable. Please ensure that you check the time and date of your web course stated in the confirmation letter.

2. Changes
The planning of our open webinars/web trainings/web lectures takes place well in advance, so there is a chance that there may be a change in the date, trainer, or duration of the web course (depending on the number of participants). We will inform you about possible changes as soon as possible.

3. Cancellation by participant
If you would like to cancel your registration more than 4 calendar weeks prior to the program start then there is no cancellation fee. Thereafter the fee is 50% of the program cost, and less than 10 workdays before the program start the full fee is applicable. Please note: any kind of withdrawal, including illness and postponement, is considered as a cancellation. Naturally, if you are able to find a replacement who can take your place, all cancellations fees will be waived. Please make sure to inform us of cancellations only in written form.

4. Copyright
Following the web course, the participants will receive a pdf version of the slides used, for their documentation. The content and materials (e.g. techniques, tools, tips) provided by HPS in the course of a training program are and remain the intellectual property of HPS, are protected by copyright and are only available for personal use to those persons who have taken part in the relevant training program. Any additional, even company internal, use of these materials is not permitted, without exception. In particular, it is prohibited to use, to modify, to reproduce or to distribute training contents and materials, regardless of whether for free or commercial use, for example, as a trainer. Furthermore, all sorts of video and/or audio recordings of HPS programs are prohibited. Any further right to use the training contents, especially to pass them on to third parties, is also explicitly prohibited. Any kind of illegal use of content and materials conveyed in the web course (e.g. techniques, tools, tips), as well as modification, reproduction, distribution, publication or disclosure to third parties will result in legal proceedings.

5. Data protection
We determine the technical web solution/virtual platform for open web courses in accordance with you. You/your participants will be invited to the web course by our trainer(s). We exclude liability for the compliance with data protection regulations by the chosen provider, as well as for direct or indirect damages caused by data leaks (e.g. hacking) or the like.

6. Confidentiality
We work for different, sometimes competing companies. Our trainer team is bound to absolute confidentiality regarding any information (professional or personal) which is discussed during training program. We therefore ask for your understanding that we do not provide clients with any information regarding the conduct or progress made by individual participants.

7. Jurisdiction
Although we are confident that there will be no need to resort to the courts, it is agreed at the time of booking that any and all disputes arising in this context shall be settled before the competent court of law in Vienna.

When placing an order, either orally or in writing, you simultaneously and fully accept these terms and conditions unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. Austrian law applies.


For in-house web courses
(webinars/web trainings/web lectures/web coachings)

Updated March 2022

1. Price
In addition to the conduct of the webinar/web training/web lecture/web coaching, our prices also include preparation and follow-up work:

Preparation: Including a briefing by phone with your trainer(s) and us sending you details of preparatory tasks approximately one week before the training start, to be forwarded to the participants.

Follow-up: After the web course, you will receive a detailed closing report providing you with a summary of the most important aspects from the perspectives of the participants, trainer(s) and institute. You will also receive a pdf version of the most important slides used in the web course for post-documentation, kindly requesting you to forward it to your participants.

The price applies to the maximum number of participants detailed in the offer or the description.

The invoice, which you will receive together with the order confirmation/-email, is payable upon receipt, i.e. within eight days net and in full. Our program price is exclusive of taxes. In the event of an absence, the fee paid is non-refundable. Please ensure that you check the schedule stated in the confirmation letter/-email.

2. Changes
The agreed trainer(s) may not be available at short notice (e.g. due to illness). In such cases, we will appoint an alternative HPS trainer upon consultation with you, to ensure that your web course can be conducted on schedule.

3. Cancellation by client
No one likes to cancel, and this can be just as inconvenient for you as the organizer of a training program as for us. As training courses are generally planned long in advance, it can be extremely difficult for us, in the event of cancellations, to find alternative assignments at very short notice, even for outstanding trainers. We therefore ask you to accept that the cancellation of a training course, once it has been booked, will entail costs in the following cases, regardless of the reason for the cancellation. Please note: any kind of withdrawal, including illness and postponement, is considered as a cancellation.

Cancellation conditions: From eight to four weeks before the beginning of the program: 20%; four weeks to two weeks: 40 %; two weeks to eight workdays: 60%; thereafter 75% of the program price until one workday before the program, after which the full price will be due.

4. Copyright
Following the web course, your participants will receive a pdf version of the slides used, for their documentation. The content and materials (e.g. techniques, tools, tips) provided by HPS in the course of a training program are and remain the intellectual property of HPS, are protected by copyright and are only available for personal use to those persons who have taken part in the relevant training program. Any additional, even company internal, use of these materials is not permitted, without exception. In particular, it is prohibited to use, to modify, to reproduce or to distribute training contents and materials, regardless of whether for free or commercial use, for example, as a trainer. Furthermore, all sorts of video and/or audio recordings of HPS programs are prohibited. Any further right to use the training contents, especially to pass them on to third parties, is also explicitly prohibited. Any kind of illegal use of content and materials conveyed in the web course (e.g. techniques, tools, tips), as well as modification, reproduction, distribution, publication or disclosure to third parties will result in legal proceedings.

5. Data protection
You determine in accordance with us, which technical web solution/virtual platform you will use for your in-house web courses, and you will send an invitation to the trainer(s). We exclude liability for the compliance with data protection regulations by the chosen provider, as well as for direct or indirect damages caused by data leaks (e.g. hacking) or the like.

6. Confidentiality
We work for different, sometimes competing companies. Our trainer team is bound to absolute confidentiality regarding any information (professional or personal) which is discussed during training program. We therefore ask for your understanding that we do not provide clients with any information regarding the conduct or progress made by individual participants.

7. Jurisdiction
Although we are confident that there will be no need to resort to the courts, it is agreed at the time of booking that any and all disputes arising in this context shall be settled before the competent court of law in Vienna.

When placing an order, either orally or in writing, you simultaneously and fully accept these terms and conditions unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. Austrian law applies.